Why wait until January 1st to start a fitness plan with the idea of losing the weight that you gained during the holidays? Why not get started now and not gain the average weight gain of 7-10 pounds?

As an incentive for getting started on a fitness program with SLF, we are offering a free set of exercise bands from Bodylastics! This is a 12 piece set, valued at $30. These are the bands that I use for many of my exercises. The bands are made of the highest quality and are built with an anti-snap safety design, so they won’t break! Bands can take the place of dumbbells for many exercises. They come with a travel bag, so you can basically take your entire gym with you wherever you go. No excuses for missing workouts!

All you have to do is enroll with SLF before 12-25-18 and your bands will be shipped to you! Why not start today and avoid the holiday weight gain?!