Frequently Asked Questions

How does this work?

  • Be ready to make a commitment to getting healthier.
  • Fill out a brief medical questionnaire.
  • Complete some additional information such as experience, goals, equipment (if any) available, time available to exercise, be able to commit to at least three months of training, etc.
  • Based upon the above information, a fitness plan will be devised for you within a short period (usually 24-48 hours).

How do I pay for this?

Your credit card will automatically be billed monthly.  You can cancel at any time, however, two weeks noticed would be appreciated.

How will I know the workout schedule?

Your account will have its own calendar.  The fitness plan will be incorporated into the calendar.  Simply login and see what is scheduled.

What if I don’t know how to perform an exercise?

Every exercise comes with a video description to ensure that you are using proper form and technique.

What if I can’t perform certain exercises due to a past injury or current issue?

Most exercises can be modified to allow for a less stressful movement or the difficult exercise can be totally swapped out for one that is more suitable.

I live in an apartment and don’t have very much space to workout.

Fortunately, not much space is needed.  An area 4 feet by 8 feet is plenty of room.

I travel frequently and don’t have much time for exercise.

The workouts can be completed in your hotel room and most workouts can be completed within 30 minutes.

Will the body weight only workouts be enough for me to accomplish my goals?

Yes! Just because no equipment is being used, it doesn’t mean body weight only workouts are too easy.  They are extremely challenging and have limited rest periods, so you will also get a great cardio workout too!

What if I start getting bored with the workouts?

The workouts are exciting, challenging, and on the shorter side (30-45 mins).  There are no hour long treadmill runs scheduled!  The workouts will also be changed after every three to four weeks. 

What if after a month or two, I don’t see any major changes in my physique?

Some people will notice changes in their physique within the first two weeks and others may take slightly longer to start to see changes.  Your program can also be reevaluated and changes can be made.  However, your program will not be about getting in the best shape of your life within 21 days (as some programs say they will do).  This is about a longer term commitment to fitness, getting real results, and keeping those results. 

Will I need to be on a low calorie, restrictive diet if I want to lose weight?

I am not a registered nutritionist.  My fitness program is not about starving yourself and feeling miserable.  It is about getting the proper exercise and proper nutrition.  I outsource the nutrition part to Isagenix, a nutritional health company.  Isagenix can provide the proper nutrition for healthy fat loss and muscle growth